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Bad journalist
interactive objects (mixed media)


Lo schiacciabugie (lugenpresse*) spreme le cose e la realtà e ne estrae la verità finchè ne resta l'involucro pieno d'immaginazione mediocre.
Die Lügenpresse (Tedesco) = lie squeezing machine/bad jounalist (Inglese) = schiacciabugie a freddo/pessimo giornalista (Italiano).
Le donne portano la responsabilità e la corona, dirigono.
Provvedimenti, gestione, pesi morti, displaced persons, eseeri fuori luogo o esserci dentro?
E cosa c'è di magnifico nel sorprendere qualcuno che ruba? Tagliare e separare e dividere o cucire e aggiustare e chiudere – confluisce tutto nello stesso punto? Sei a casa tua? E quante volte ci sei? Chi è il benvenuto? Fremdenverkehr = Tourismus (Tedesco) = traffic of foreigners = tourism (Inglese) = traffico di stranieri = turismo (Italiano). Hai un diritto o hai ragione? Chi separa il grano dalla pula? Le isole dei ratti hanno questo nome perchè nel 1780 le hanno invase. La neve è perfetta. Fallire non è la fine. I've got a Fendt and a house with my father's name, my mother can feel it every day, oh yeah, sometimes nothing seems to work. Frèl is not the answer, frèl is not the answer to everything, ask the bus driver down in the city. Toujours le même film. Le domande qui le faccio io. Lasci il suo indirizzo e-mail, per piacere.

*Lügenpresse= stampa bugiarda, che non è un neologismo, fu usata per la prima volta nel 1848. È l'epiteto affibbiato ai giornalisti dai populisti e dai razzisti che protestano contro i fuggiaschi. 


Bad Journalist, 2016

The “Lying Press”* squeezes facts and realities by extracting their ultimate truth and does so until when all that is left is but a coating of mediocre imagination. In German the term is translated as “Lügenpresse” whereas in Italian it is referred to as “Schiacciabugie a freddo”.

Women occupy a position of power, they rule. Laws, management, heavy loads, displaced people, being an inappropriate presence or a presence within? What is it so marvelous about catching red-handed shoplifters in the act of stealing? Cutting, dividing and separating or else sewing, repairing and seaming - does everything lead to the same final destination? Are you at home? How often are you there? Who is welcome? Fremdenverkehr (German)= Traffic of foreigners (English)= Traffico di stranieri (Italian). Do you have a right or a reason? Who separates the chaff from the wheat? The Rat Islands bear this name because in 1780 they were invaded by actual rats. Snow is perfect. Failing is not the end of the world. I’ve got a Fendt and a house with my father’s name, my mother can feel it every day, oh yeah, sometimes, nothing seems to work. Frèl is not an answer, frèl is not the answer to everything, ask the bus driver down in the city. Toujours le même film. It is me asking questions here. Please, leave you contact details. 

*Lying Press” is not a neologism but an actual term appeared for the first time in 1848. The word was employed by populists and racists fighting against fugitives, to describe journalists.


La Presse Menteuse* comprime les faits et les réalités en extrayant leur vérité ultime jusqu’à quand il ne reste quun manteau dimagination mediocre. En Allemand le terme se traduit comme Lügenpresse” et en Italien comme Schiacciabugie a freddo. 
Les femmes occupent une position dautorité, elles sont en charge. La lois, la gestion, les poids morts, individus déplacés, être une présence inappropriée ou bien être présents? Quest ce quil y a  de merveilleux dans lacte de surprendre un voleur en flagrant délit? Couper, divider et séparer ou encore coudre, réparer et régler - est ce que tout conduit à la même destination? Est ce que tu es à la maison? Avec quelle fréquence est ce que tu y es? Qui est le bienvenue? Fremdenverkehr (Allemand) = Traffic of foreigners (Anglais) = Traffico di stranieri (Italien). Est ce que tu as le droit ou la raison? Qui sépare le blé de la balle? Les Iles des Rats ont acquis ce nom parce quen 1780 elles ont été envahis par des vrais rats. La neige est parfaite. Echouer nest pas la fin du monde. Ive got a Fendt and a house with my fathers name, my mother can feel it every day, oh yeah, sometimes, nothing seems to work. Frèl is not an answer, frèl is not the answer to everything, ask the bus driver down in the city.  Toujours le même film. It is me asking questions here. Sil vous plaît laissez vos contacts. 

Presse menteuse” ce nest pas un néologisme, mais un terme aperçu pour la première fois en 1848. Le mot était à lpoque employé par les populistes et les racistes qui combattaient contre les fugitives, pour décrire les journalistes.

Lügenpressen quetschen Wahrheiten aus Dingen und Gegebenheiten, bis nur mehr die Haut mittelmäßiger Imaginationen hinten bleibt. Die Lügenpresse (German) = lie squeezing machine (English) = schiacciabugie a freddo (Italian). Frauen tragen Verantwortung und Krone, managen. Maßnahmen, Management, Ballastexistenzen, Displaced Persons, fehl am Platz, wo fehlen sie? Und was ist daran herrlich, jemandem beim Stehlen zu erwischen? Schneiden und separieren und trennen oder nähen und richten und schließen – läuft beides auf dasselbe hinaus? Bist du heimisch? Und wie oft? Wer ist willkommen? Fremdenverkehr = Tourismus (German) = traffic of foreigners = tourism (English) = traffico di stranieri = turismo (Italian). Hast du recht oder Rechte? Wer trennt die Spreu vom Weizen? Die Ratteninseln heißen so, weil sie dort seit 1780 vorherrschend sind. Der Schnee ist perfekt. Scheitern ist nicht das Ende. I've got a Fent and a house with my father's name, my mother can feel it every day, oh yeah, sometimes nothing seems to work. Frèl is not the answer, frèl is not the answer to everything, ask the bus driver down in the city. Toujours le même film. Ich stelle hier die Fragen. Bitte hinterlassen Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse. 

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